Commitment to Accessibility

TravelMint is committed to making our website and services accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can navigate, interact with, and benefit from our platform.

This document outlines our accessibility policies, compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and our ongoing efforts to improve digital accessibility.

For any accessibility-related concerns, please contact us at

Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

These policies apply to TravelMint Inc. and its provision of goods and services in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).

TravelMint is dedicated to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers that may limit accessibility to our products, services, and facilities.

Website Accessibility

Supported Browsers

TravelMint is optimized for the latest versions of:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

We recommend updating your browser to the latest version for the best experience.

Screen Resolution & Display

Our website is designed for a minimum resolution of 320 x 480 pixels to ensure a seamless user experience across devices. 

If your screen resolution is lower than this, you may need to adjust zoom settings or use scrolling options to view content properly.

Accessibility for Customers

TravelMint is committed to providing an inclusive experience for all users, including those with visible and non-visible disabilities. 

We strive to deliver our services in a way that respects dignity, independence, and equal opportunity for all users.

Accessible Communication, Assistive Devices, and Support Services

Accessible Communication

TravelMint recognizes that some users may require alternative communication methods. Our employees are trained to communicate in a way that takes disabilities into account.
Upon request, we provide accessible formats and communication supports, unless doing so would cause undue hardship.

Assistive Devices

We ensure that users who rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers, voice recognition software, and keyboard navigation can access our services.

We are actively working to enhance compatibility with assistive devices to create a better digital experience for all.

Service Animals and Support Persons

TravelMint welcomes individuals with disabilities who use service animals or are accompanied by support persons. Our services are designed to allow unrestricted access to such individuals, ensuring that they receive equal service and support.

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

If there is a temporary disruption of accessibility-related services, TravelMint will provide advance notice whenever possible.

Notices will be posted on our website and will include:

  • The reason for the disruption
  • The expected duration
  • Alternative options available

For urgent updates, we may also communicate through email notifications or customer service channels.

Employee Training on Accessibility

TravelMint provides mandatory training to employees who:

  • Interact with customers
  • Develop policies and digital content

Training includes:

  • AODA requirements and Integrated Accessibility Standards (IASR)
  • How to communicate effectively with individuals with disabilities
  • Guidelines for providing accessible customer service

Records of training sessions are maintained, including dates, participants, and content covered.

Feedback and Accessibility Requests

TravelMint encourages feedback on accessibility barriers and suggestions for improvement.

Feedback can be submitted via:

  • Email:
  • Phone: ‪+1 (647) 254-3860‬
  • Mail: TravelMint Inc., 100 University Ave. Toronto, ON, Canada M5J 1V6

We will respond to feedback in a timely manner and, where appropriate, implement reasonable accommodations.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

1. Statement of Commitment

TravelMint is committed to:

  • Preventing and removing accessibility barriers
  • Providing an inclusive and accessible experience
  • Meeting or exceeding AODA standards

2. Accessibility Policy and Implementation Timeline

By November 1, 2023:

  • Establish accessibility policies and a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
  • Publish accessibility commitments on TravelMint’s website.

By January 1, 2024:

  • Train employees on AODA compliance.
  • Implement processes for accessible job postings and hiring practices.

By January 1, 2025:

  • Ensure new website content conforms to WCAG 2.0 Level A standards.

By January 1, 2026:

  • Offer accessible formats and communication supports for all public documents.

By January 1, 2027:

  • Ensure all website content and digital resources comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Glossary of Accessibility Terms

Accessible formats – Formats such as large print, audio recordings, braille, or electronic text, used to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

Assistive devices – Tools such as screen readers, text-to-speech software, mobility aids, and hearing devices that enhance accessibility.

Barrier – Any factor that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in an activity, including physical, technological, or informational obstacles.

Communication supports – Supports such as captioning, sign language, plain language, and alternative formats that aid individuals with disabilities in accessing information.

Disability – A broad term covering physical, sensory, mental, cognitive, and learning impairments that affect daily activities.

Service animal – A specially trained animal that assists a person with a disability in performing daily tasks.Support person – A person who assists an individual with a disability by providing communication, mobility, or personal care support.

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