Minute Suites Charlotte

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), Charlotte, NC, USA CLT
Main Terminal1

Minute Suites at CLT provides a peaceful escape for travelers in need of rest or a quiet workspace. Each private suite includes a daybed, a sound-masking system, and fresh blankets for added comfort. Guests can also use the Nap26 audio program for a refreshing power nap. Priority Pass members receive one complimentary hour, with showers available for a fee. Located in the main atrium—check signage for details.


Connectivity & Entertainment

  • Wi-Fi Wi-Fi

Family & Leisure

  • Private Rooms Private Rooms

Work & Business

  • Charging Stations Charging Stations
  • Telephones Telephones
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Minute Suites Charlotte
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), Charlotte, NC, USA

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